Blog | Devic Earth

Deep Work and Mindfulness: A Winning Combination for Productivity at Devic Earth

Written by Priya Singh, Content Writer | December 9, 2022



Productivity is something that every organization strives to enhance. In a similar trend to enhance the productivity and efficiency of employees, Dr. Srikanth Sola, co-founder, and CEO of Devic Earth introduced us to the concept of Deep Work by Cal Newport. Deep Work is a book by Cal Newport.

Cal Newport is a New York Times American author and a computer science professor at Georgetown University. In his book Deep Work- Rules for focused success in a distracted world, Newport talks about certain practices to regain one’s mental capacity and concentration, the benefits of which are not limited to a workspace. 

 In this blog, you will find 10 rules for focused success:

  • Work deeply: Schedule blocks of time dedicated to deep work in your daily routine. This means setting aside time to focus on a challenging task without any distractions. This will help you to achieve a state of flow and increase your productivity.
  • Embrace boredom: In today’s world, we are always seeking instant gratification and trying to avoid boredom at all costs. However, this constant stimulation is detrimental to our ability to concentrate. Embracing boredom and allowing your mind to wander can actually improve your ability to focus and think deeply.
  • Quit social media: Social media can be a major source of distraction, and it can also have negative effects on our mental health. Consider cutting back on your social media usage or even quitting altogether to free up time and mental space for deep work.
  • Drain the shallows: Take a close look at your daily tasks and eliminate any that are shallow or do not require deep concentration. This will free up time and mental energy for more important and challenging tasks.
  • Be aware of your limits: Our ability to focus is limited, and it can be easy to burn out if we push ourselves too hard. Be aware of your limits and take regular breaks to rest and recharge.
  • Don’t work too long: While it is important to focus deeply, it is also important to take breaks and avoid working for long periods. This will help to prevent burnout and maintain your productivity.
  • Learn to let go: Sometimes, it is better to let go of a task or project that is not worth your time and energy. This will allow you to focus on more important tasks and avoid wasting time on things that do not matter.
  • Prioritize your days: Take some time to plan out your days and prioritize your tasks. This will help you to focus on the most important tasks and avoid getting overwhelmed by a long to-do list.
  • Create a deep work environment: Your environment can have a major impact on your ability to focus. Create a workspace that is free of distractions and conducive to deep work. This may include turning off notifications, closing unnecessary tabs, and setting aside time to focus without interruptions.
  • Use the Pomodoro technique: The Pomodoro technique is a time management method that involves working for short, focused bursts of time followed by short breaks. This can help to increase your productivity and prevent burnout.

Newport's concept of deep work focuses on the importance of uninterrupted, focused effort to achieve maximum productivity and creativity. By scheduling dedicated blocks of time for deep work, individuals can improve their concentration and problem-solving skills, leading to better results and increased satisfaction in their work. However, this approach also requires discipline and the ability to overcome distractions and interruptions to fully reap the benefits of deep work. 


To bring discipline for better implementation of Deep Work, the book Peace in Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh came into play. It is a book on mindfulness that teaches effective ways to handle the challenges and stresses of daily life, including the implementation of deep work. The book introduces the concept of mindfulness and how it can be incorporated into every aspect of one's work, including deep work, to improve focus, concentration, and productivity.

The book also includes various mindfulness practices, such as mindful breathing and walking, that can be used to calm the mind and reduce stress during deep work. Additionally, it discusses the benefits of mindfulness for deep work, including improved focus and efficiency.


Peace in Every Step is a valuable resource for individuals looking to incorporate mindfulness into their deep work routine and improve their overall efficiency and well-being


Here is how the employees from different teams implemented Deep work at Devic Earth: 


Kiran Shinde Babasaheb

Senior Environmental Engineer:  

Through my experience with deep work and mindfulness, I have learned the importance of scheduling and planning my work. I now create an excel file with tasks that I will work on hourly, allowing me to focus on the most important tasks and complete them efficiently.

I have also found that deep work is essential for tasks that require complete focus, such as experimentation, preparing a plan, and reading a study article. By dedicating focused blocks of time to these tasks, I can produce better results and feel more satisfied with my work.

In addition, I have integrated mindfulness into my meals, allowing me to focus on the act of eating and nourishing my body properly. Overall, these practices have greatly improved my productivity and well-being.


Sai Chaitanya

Assistant Manager, Demand Generation:

I have found the hub and spoke model to be an effective strategy for incorporating deep work into my daily routine. By dedicating a specific block of time to my most important tasks without interruptions, I can focus and produce better results. The smaller blocks of time throughout the day, known as the "spokes," allow me to handle other tasks and interruptions without disrupting my deep work.

Practicing mindfulness during deep work has also been beneficial in helping me avoid internal distractions and stay focused on the task at hand. By staying present and focused, I can produce higher-quality work and feel more satisfied with my results.

To experience the full benefits of deep work and mindfulness, it is important to practice these techniques consistently and regularly. The more often they are practiced, the more effective they will be in improving focus and productivity.

Ammu Prameela Nandakumar

Air Quality Engineer:

Incorporating deep work into my daily routine has allowed me to prioritize and focus on the most important tasks, leading to improved productivity and satisfaction with my work. It has also helped me to identify and eliminate distractions, allowing me to fully engage in the tasks at hand and produce better results. I highly recommend this approach to anyone looking to improve their focus and productivity.


Shubhashree Rajendran

Business Development Executive:

I used to struggle with staying focused and productive at work. I was constantly feeling overwhelmed and stressed, and my work suffered as a result. That's when I discovered Cal Newport's concept of deep work.

At first, I was skeptical. How could dedicating focused blocks of time to my most important tasks make a difference? But I decided to give it a try and was amazed by the results.

By prioritizing my tasks and eliminating distractions, I was able to concentrate better and produce higher-quality work. My productivity improved and I felt more satisfied with my work.

Not only did deep work improve my professional life, but it also helped me achieve a better work-life balance. I was able to do more in less time and felt less stressed overall.

Overall, my experience with deep work has been incredibly positive. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their focus, productivity, and satisfaction with their work


Fida Backer

HR Executive and Admin:

By practicing deep work, I was able to plan and prioritize my work. But somehow I was not yet able to complete the tasks as per planning. Even though my work profile doesn’t always allow me to stick to my desk and work, practicing Deep Work somehow helped me in completing the tasks and meeting the deadlines effectively.

To fill in the gaps and challenges that I was still facing to work efficiently, I was then introduced to a book named Peace in Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh. This book on mindfulness taught me effective ways of mindful communication over calls. Often, I have to attend calls, and this book introduced me to the concept of Telephone meditation. This concept taught me an effective way to efficiently communicate with vendors and other people as part of my daily work.


In his book Deep Work, Cal Newport talks about the importance of the uninterrupted, focused effort to achieve maximum productivity and creativity. By scheduling dedicated blocks of time for deep work and implementing mindfulness techniques, individuals can improve their concentration and problem-solving skills, leading to better results and increased satisfaction in their work. However, this approach also requires discipline and the ability to overcome distractions and interruptions to fully reap the benefits of deep work. The book Peace in Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh offers additional mindfulness techniques to help individuals implement deep work in their daily lives.